Thursday, 2 January 2014

Film opening storyline

My film opening is going to start off with an establishing shot of a group of friends (five people) hanging out. They would be eating, laughing, joking around like 'normal' teenagers. Within the group there is a couple and the rest are just friends. This way am introducing romance in the opening. They have a discussion whether they would be put back into school or would Military Intelligence let them be official agents. As time goes by, they make their way home, they walk across the park. When suddenly, gun shots are fired. At this point the pace gets faster and they all run to take cover behind the trees. The boyfriend is the leader of the group and starts to give out instructions. To convey the romantic genre, he is going to ask the girlfriend first if she is okay. Unfortunately, he gets shots and dies. The girlfriend would run towards the boyfriend who is lying down dead. All of this would be a flashback that the girlfriend is having. At this point it would be four years that he is dead and she is still mourning for him. Now she is an official agent.  

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