Monday, 9 December 2013

Todorov's Theory of Narrative

Tzventan Todorov is a Franco-Bulgarian historian and essayist. In the year of 1969 he believed to have a theory that every single film follows the same narrative structure. Within this theory there is five parts:

  1. The Equilibrium is the state were all is as it should be, meaning that the film starts of in a clam note.
  2. The Disruption is the state were a problem breaks through the equilibrium state 
  3. The Resolution state is were it is recognised that there is a break/disorder by the disruption state and it able to start to find a solution  
  4. The Restored Order state is to repair the break/disorder of the disruption 
  5. The New Equilibrium state is were is equilibrium is returned back and the films ends in a clam resolved ending 

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