Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Continuity Exercise Reflection

In order for the continuity exercise to be a success we had to create great idea.  As a result of our great idea we over complicated the task and didn't stick to the rules of the exercise, which was to show a clear match on match action, 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot of a person coming into a room and having a conversation between another person. Therefore, we had to change the situation, keeping it very simple and straightforward. Nevertheless, it was still quite difficult to film, especially when capturing the 180-degree rule on camera, as we did not have enough space. Ensuring that the 180 degree rule, shot reverse shot and match on match action is filmed correctly and edited well is vital, as we won’t want to confuse the audience but, instead we would like it to flow in order for the audience not to notice the variety of shots being used.  

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