Sunday, 6 October 2013

Camera Work: The key terms & connotation

Researching Sound in Film and TV


A musical phrase (tune) that is repeated several times in a piece of music and helps to represents a particular character, idea or situation.
For example:
In the James bond movies they constantly repeat the same musical phrase during an action scene in order for the audience recognise the James bond action situation.

Contrapuntal sound:
Sound that does not seem to fit with the scene (images that you are watching)
For example:

Asynchronous sound:

When the sound is either intentionally or unintentionally put out of sync with the moving the image

For example:
when a person is speaking and the audio does/does not match up with the lip movements.

 Synchronous sound:
When the sound matches up with the movements occurring in the scene

For example:

Non-dietetic sound:

Sound that is added through the editing process

For example:

Dietetic sound:

Sound/music originates from that scene

For example:
Music from the piano or radio